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Robi Internet+

Why Internet+Now o

Robi Internet+

Robi Internet+ you don’t have to activate separate bundles for internet, talk time or SMS. You activate internet+ and you will get daily 10Min talk time and 100SMS to any local number.


1. Simple internet offer without any restrictions.
2. You activate internet, talk time and SMS included .
3.You can talk or send SMS to any local number with the bundle balance.

Activate desired pack

1.You can use the talk time on Robi–Robi or Robi-Other local number voice calls

2. You can send SMS to Robi–Robi or Robi-Other local number
3.There is no time band restriction on internet, talk time or SMS usages
4.The bundles are in auto renew but you can stop auto renew any time by dialing *140*25#.   Easy load packs are not in auto renew.
5. In case of repurchase internet, talk time or SMS will be accumulated 
6. Above bundles are for prepaid customers only
7. In case of bundle purchase through easyload, the amount will not be added in your main account balance
8.To check Talk time balance dial *222*8#, for SMS dial *222*12#, for Internet dial *8444*88#
9.Bundle *price are excluding SD & VAT on price inclusive of SD. Easy load packs are including SD & VAT

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