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Bornomala 3G conection Price; 50tk only.


Bornomala  3G  conection  Price; 50tk  only.

 After SIM  activation, Start-Up Free bonus;
           1.Voice talk time; 50 Minutes  (teletalk –teletalk).
          2. Video Talk Time;  50 Minutes  (teletalk – taletalk)
          3.SMS ;50(onnet 25,offnet 25)
          4.MMS;50 (Onnet)
          5.Data; 250 MB.(2G/3G network)
          6.Intra package migration/Up-gradation  Method; Type BO2G/B03G  and  send  to 555. Charge  is free

Tariff plans;
1.voice call (24 hours)
     = to Teletalk  numbers 5p/10sec
     = to  other  numbers ; 10p/10sec

Pulse;  10 second.
Video  call; (24 hours)
      .to Teletalk  numbers;  5p  /10sec
SMS  charges ;
       Teletalk  numbers  ; 30p/SMS
       To other  numbers;  40p/SMS
MMS  charges;
        Teletalk  numbers;  1tk/MMS

Special  Recharge  Bonus; 

    Every  30tk recharge  and  get…..
         _Voice-30mins  (Teletalk  numbers)
         _ Data-30 MB
          _SMS-30  onnet
          _Validity ; 3 days
: Recharege  bonuse offer  duration  is  06 months  from  date of origination
: Start up and recharge bounce  data  speed  is 512kbps.
: This recharge  offer  is not related for other  package operators.
: 3%SD +15% Vat will apply

Teletalk  Bornomala Spacial Student 3G internet Data bundle;
: 500 MB@70tk, validity 30 days, to dynamic write D71 and send  to  111
: 1 GB  validity 30 days, to dynamic  write D72 and send to 111

: 5 GB validity 30 days, to dynamic  write D73 and send to 111

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